Do You Want Freedom From Binge Eating?



Michelle Joy Schulman, B.A., is a PA Certified Teacher, Raw Vegan Chef, and Classical Singer with a passion for leading people into Freedom From Binge Eating. Recovered from Binge Eating Disorder herself, she now dedicates herself to guiding others on their own miraculous journey of healing,.. out of the darkness of mental obsession and negativity...and into the light!

Uniting her multi-faceted background, Coach Michelle swiftly guides her clients toward recovery using simple and effective daily supportive communication to not only end binge eating permanently, but to restore mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional harmony!

She connects with her clients twice daily to mentor and support them with a powerful talent for communication.  The goal? Facilitating the establishment of a balanced, healthy eating lifestyle, positive outlook, and way of life for the sufferer.

As a chef with experience spanning from holistic raw vegan healing diets to Omnivorous diets, Coach Michelle is expertly aware of the "energetic" properties of ALL food - from organic and raw vegan - to the most highly processed "junk foods."   The food choices we make affect our energy on so many levels, not only physically, but emotionally, and spiritually, as well.

Coach Michelle helps clients negotiate the journey of learning to make better food choices for themselves without the need for diets or intense outward structure. Clients learn to depend on their own intuition and inner guidance, leading to feelings of self-acceptance, self-esteem, confidence, peace and joy.  

Clients learn to balance eating for health and for pleasure.  The dual persona of the "all or nothing" binge eater is synthesized, finally.  Eating becomes fluid, balanced, and a new connection to awareness enables this freedom with "health" and "pleasure" coexisting. 

The body-mind-spirit and the intuition begin to lead, and the habitual, destructive, compulsive, addictive, out of control tendencies fade away, clearing a path for wholeness, independence, empowerment, self esteem, motivation and balance. Perfectionism and mental, physical, and emotional turmoil lose their grip! 

When mental obsessions develop around food, and healthy, balanced eating habits were not formed early, the results can be devastating, laying the groundwork for the brain to latch onto a gripping Binge Eating Disorder.   When working with Coach Michelle, the binge eater learns to finally understand their brain, their binge urges, and the negative irrational thoughts that drives them to binge.  As the sufferer gains in awareness daily, feeling encouraged in their strengths, they are gradually able to turn away from the powerfully hypnotic and negative messages of the disorder.  They learn to ignore the voice of the disorder and learn to trust their own inner guidance, which grows in strength daily!  

Tapping into their power, Spirit, and highest potential, the recovering binge eater learns to create what they have always wanted: a healthy, yet pleasurable, balanced, and peace-filled relationship with food, with the freedom and the ability to make choices.    


Coach Michelle offers unique and creative insight honed from years of study in Education, Arts and Performance, Psychology, Religion and Spirituality, Criminology, Addiction Treatment, 12 Step Programs, Dieting, Holistic Healing, Hypnosis, Human Behavior, Animal Behavior, Meditation, Binge Eating Treatment, Holistic Nutritional Healing, and so much more.  With this multi-faceted background, she provides effective and creative support, covering all angles, to facilitate healing and progress forward.  The brain, heart, and body of the binge eater, are healed.    

This multi-leveled, creative, daily support has been proven FAST and EFFECTIVE in overcoming binge eating and the all encompassing mental darkness which support it. Sufferers are led towards a balanced, positive, binge-free, peace-filled as little as a matter of WEEKS.  

Coach Michelle's personal and professional experience, powerful skills in analysis, insightful teaching, constant encouragement, and uplifting daily supportive communication, all come together to dynamically TARGET and get to the heart of the vast array of recovery issues that arise during the process of healing. 

Coach Michelle's steadfast support is greatly enriched by her long history as a former CHRONIC binge eater since childhood.  Who else can truly understand the complex and disordered mind of the binge eater, but the recovered sufferer?   Who else can understand the shame, the nagging cravings, the embarrassment, the out of control urges, the insatiable drive, the despair, pain, and crushing isolation, the whole body, mind, and spiritual illness, and devastating hopelessness, than someone who is already safely experiencing BLISSFUL FREEDOM, victory, and health, on the other side?  

Binge Eating Disorder wreaks havoc on a sufferer's entire LIFE, sometimes for decades or longer, gravely impairing daily functioning, impairing family and intimate relationships, work, creativity, and self esteem. It destroys confidence, ability to trust oneself and others.  It weakens self-reliance, independence, and interdependence.  It interferes with the metabolism and weight control.  It complicates digestion and impacts overall health.  It wreaks havoc on body image, self control, self acceptance, hope, faith, and so much more...!!!  The ravages of living life as a binge eater are all encompassing.  They pillage the entire mind, body and spirit.  Obsessive food and negative thoughts lead the sufferer down a path of total victim-hood and complete self-destruction.    


Recovery from binge eating with Coach Michelle sets the sufferer on a POWERFUL journey of wellness, self-healing, self-love, and self acceptance!  It repairs fragile areas, and catapults the survivor into new amazing realms of gratitude, peace, all encompassing health, and happiness with food, and with life!

"When you finally give yourself permission to feel good about yourself, positive, and confident, and free yourself of all obsession and compulsion, it is a LIFE ALTERING EXPERIENCE, which pulls you completely out of the insanity and tortured existence of binge eating, to be changed forever!"

With time tested therapeutic recovery techniques, ancient and modern Spiritual foundations, and up-to-date scientific research in brain healing to support her mission, Coach Michelle will lead you out of the darkness of this highly destructive, debilitating habit, into the light and joy of Freedom From Binge Eating!


Through daily email contact, Coach Michelle's experienced and caring nature will support you every step of the way in your journey of recovery....into confident, permanent, life long, and joy-filled.....Freedom From Binge Eating!  

Please don't let money stop you from healing TODAY! Coach Michelle will create a scenario that will work for you.  Affordable weekly rates available with secure payment on Paypal.  For more information, please contact Coach Michelle:        



"I am 105 days binge free! I broke 100 days! I am so excited because for the first time in 2 years, I have the opportunity to enter into the New Year binge free!! I never thought I could have done this last year when the longest I had gone without following the Lower Brain's demands was three days! It feels awesome.... Thank you so much!"...."Thanks so much for being there on my journey in recovery.  Binge Free for 7 months and love the freedom!  Binge eating is certainly not for me!  I refuse to go back to where I was."--Ngozi Esomonu, Student, Connecticut

"Thanks so much Michelle!!! I definitely realize my true potential now!!!  I'm feeling so hopeful now. I have been able to stop binge eating during the day...and during the night!  Now that I have taken away the power from the "binge beast" and can sleep without eating... I am on the fast track to binge freedom! I'm sure I will experience some bumps in the road, but I feel like the blindfold has been lifted and I am no longer being held captive!  You are my Savior!  I am excited to really start my new positive life from the mindset I have been building. I feel like you just lifted up a huge curtain for me and it feels amazing. Despite any slip ups, I am so so much further in not just my eating, but myself as a person and I can't thank you enough!" --Caty Pasternak, Trainer, NYC, New York

"Amazingly insightful and positive and inspiring!  Since I have been working with Michelle, my binge eating in the evenings and daily starving have been replaced with a new freedom to feed myself well for the first time, and actually enjoy it! I feel exuberantly happy to have found her!" -- Martha Sandoval, Newhaven, Connecticut

"I am so grateful to Michelle for her help...words cannot express my gratitude!  Highly recommended!  I could not stop binge eating or hating myself before we met.  In the short time we've been working together, I have experienced what real joy, and freedom from binge eating feels like!  I have never been able to go this long without binge eating, while not on a diet!  I know with her guidance, I will end binge eating for good!" -- Nancy Patton, Cherry Hill, New Jersey

"Michelle's gentle and loving nature - and extremely wise advice and coaching - help me everyday in all areas of my life.  I am so blessed to have found her - she has truly changed my life!" --Joy King, Detox Specialist, Austin, TX

"Oh, Michelle, I could cry.  Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for all of your encouragement!   You have shown me that I am worth the time and effort.  Your support and wise words...have meant the absolute world to me. I could not have gotten through this without your support.  I am eternally grateful and blessed for that."--Amanda Johnstone, Data Management, Australia

"Just wanted to email you and let you know I am well!  I am so excited to tell you this...I don't binge anymore!!! I honestly can't even remember the last time i did! Wow, who would have thought I would say that, Haha!  I still get those silly binge thoughts come up...but i don't get all emotional anymore. I just move on with my day.  I remember one New Year's Eve about 5 years ago, I binged so much...This year I enjoyed a normal dinner, watched the fireworks then went to the beach the next day! Much better times!  What worked?  I think the main thing is just a combination of everything.  It just finally clicked!  I think the biggest thing was working with you.  Some of the most recent stuff we went through really spoke to me and I was able to see more clearly about  ignoring urges.  That was a massive one!  I used to 100% hear a binge thought, get a massive urge and act on it.  Learning to separate from urges was key, but that took time!  I still get those "Okay, tomorrow we reset, so just eat what ever you want!" thoughts all the time!! I got one yesterday, and i just kind of moved on from it right away. I got to a point where I saw how "starting over" was draining me mentally! It was no longer fun to eat everything and then have to start over. Mentally, that takes it's toll, so I was kind of like 'enough is enough' on that.  I think taking things day by day helps too! Not getting too overwhelmed. Also I'm not as strict anymore. A few years back i would never eat chips or burgers when out to dinner with friends and now I always eat that stuff out. I would rather be flexible than eat all that stuff in private and not enjoy it!  I have been trying to focus on how does the food i eat make me feel! Like at Xmas time I ate more then normal and not so healthy and i didn't feel good from it.  I decided to make more of a effort to eat more healthy, so i feel good and have more energy. i think loving yourself and feeling good as opposed to weight loss has to come first.  Also, meditating is really helping. I have been using an App on my phone and its all about being aware and mindful. It allows me to see thoughts and keeps me in more a calm state.  When I am in a calm state, I make much better choices and feel better mentally, so I'm going to keep working on that.  I still eat chocolate everyday cause i love it - but instead of binge eating it and making myself sick, I just take a portion and enjoy it. I no longer want to feel sick. And i never want to binge now.  I've also been eating more fruit which i really enjoy :) I think just tuning in is good!  And if i have sushi, it's totally fine now as it's just a normal portion.  I think trying to always keep yourself calm is easier then letting your thoughts go crazy and believing them.  I still have some work to do but I am just going with this and i know that each day will get easier.  Every time I ignore those thoughts telling me to binge, I am making the non binge habit stronger :)  I want to live a happy healthy life. Oh and being more positive is certainly helping!! I have been working on positive thoughts.  Thank YOU, Michelle!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!"  - Emma Hatcher, Computer Specialist, Sydney, Australia